Karts Huseonica February 16, 2019 Record-setting Attempts on the Yukon River Karts Huseonica February 16, 2019 “(Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 11, 2019) Phoenix area resident Art “Karts” Huseonica, 68, will embark on an expedition to canoe the length of the Yukon River starting mid-June 2020. His eight-week journey will include challenging currents, late-season ice flows, inclement weather, and dangerous wildlife.He has a number of adventures to his name, including a record-setting Death Valley traverse, a modern era record-setting Amazon River expedition, and he’s the oldest person to yo-yo the 800-mile Arizona National Scenic Trail. If he is successful on this expedition he will be the oldest person at 69 to accomplish this remarkable feat in a canoe.” — Prescott | eNews Full Article